Finding My Inner Compass of Well-Being
For many years, I did martial arts and discovered that after an incredibly exhausting workout I would feel peace and a greater appreciation of life. I really treasured those moments.
Reflecting on those times, I can still remember eating grapefruits after my morning workout – the sweet/sour taste, the tangy smell, the juicy texture – and how very grateful I felt for this small yet rejuvenating treat. Through this simple experience, I naturally felt an innate sense of well-being.
During this period of my life, I didn’t use the word well-being. Probably because that wasn’t my focus as a young 20 something year old.
However, looking back there was a part of me that clearly longed for those moments of peace which seemed to come when I was totally physically exhausted. In fact, the only way I knew how to experience that internal peace was through extreme exhaustion.
Experiencing my first taste of well-being.
While perhaps not ideal, it did give me my first taste of what a felt sense of well-being could be experienced as…relaxation, greater presence, and appreciation…
Later, when I left this style of martial arts due to injuries, I took on other practices that helped me further develop this felt sense of well-being.
I share this because I’m certain that everyone has had experiences, even flashes like my “grapefruit moments”, in which they spontaneously felt an authentic sense of well-being in their life. And perhaps like me you didn’t call it well-being, but you experienced it none-the-less.
This organic feeling of well-being is our inner compass.
It is an internal spark that serves as both a light illuminating our path to health and wholeness as well as a faithful guide if we let it.
Wherever you are on your well-being journey, contact me to discuss how to find your inner compass and follow its grounded wisdom.