“When we share from the heart, we have an authentic opportunity to realize deeply that we are all connected.”
~ Derick Carter ~
Implementing change can be exciting, demanding, tricky, and of course challenging. Oftentimes it feels like a nearly impossible uphill climb as well as an overwhelming and lonely journey. Trying to change things that may be invisible to others requires unique understanding and support. In this online Heart Circle, we will share our stories to build togetherness within our collective wisdom. This authentic and supportive exchange will not only nurture meaningful connections but plant the seeds for individual and collective transformation.
Who is this Heart Circle for? If you are a change agent, community builder or impact leader working within an organization, community, network, or you’re just interested in discovering new ways of working, organizing, and addressing the systemic challenges of our times, this Heart Circle is for you!
The Heart Circle is facilitated by Derick Carter. As a heart-centered coach, advisor, relationship architect, system integrator, and facilitator, Derick partners with change agents, current and emerging leaders and community builders to bring new ways of connecting and working together to address the systemic challenges of our time.
What is a Circle and its benefits?
An age-old practice inspired by storytelling traditions that foster speaking and listening from the heart, circles involve bringing people together to bear witness and share authentically.
The Heart Circle is an intentional relational space that offer a safe meeting place to collectively nurture our own well-being, which increases our capacity to do good in the world.
The circle approach supports a deep sense of community, shared understanding and interconnectedness. It allows space for individuals to find their voice and share their stories, cultivate a compassionate response to anger, defensiveness and violence as well as strengthen emotional health and resilience.
Through experiencing deep listening and sharing from the heart, the circle builds positive relationships and neutralizes hierarchical dynamics formed by the inequality of status, race, or other social factors.
We agree to speak one-at-a-time and share our personal stories and experiences—rather than opinions—and listen non-judgmentally while others do the same. In sharing and listening to universal stories about love, loss, fear, triumph, challenge, hope and other experiences, we can realize that despite our many differences we have much in common.
What emerges from the Heart Circle reflects our shared humanity and collective wisdom.